Jaap Kamps (SIGIR representative), University of Amsterdam
Oren Kurland (Chair), Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Birger Larsen, Aalborg University
Donald Metzler, Google
Stefan Rueger (BCS-IRSG representative), the Open University
Keith van Rijsbergen (Honorary Chair), University of Glasgow
Important dates
May 18 - All submissions due May 4 - Long paper submissions due May 11 - Long paper submissions due May 11 - Short paper submissions and tutorial proposals due July 13 - Notification of acceptance August 9 - Camera ready deadline September 27-30 - ICTIR conference
RT @JeroenTalks: @ICTIR2015 interested in 3NN? There is a maven artifact io.github.k3nn with the source, it's generic/customizable, to help you get started. —
8 years 11 months ago